Chris Bale

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To Be A Man

Men, you are here to penetrate with your brand of love...

But dont get it twisted, It doesnt taste like her brand of love. Nor does it look like it. It is precise, focused, all seeing, and totally fucking unwavering in its being here for what is real. It will light a fire of truth under the ass of anything unlike it. It will fish out every last drop of sparkly bullshit and burn it up in a single glance.⁣

A conscious man knows that truth is the deepest form and expression of love. It keeps the universal laws intact, which is essential to the health, abundance, and safety of the community. It is his divining rod.⁣

This may not fulfil the image of what love is supposed to look like from a societal perspective. But men, dont be duped. Dont allow your balls and your purpose to be torn away from your beingness, and to be replaced with some half-assed under-cooked spaghetti. We have enough spaghetti. We dont need anymore.⁣

When I work with men, most of their difficulties are coming from the need to adhere to what he has been told he SHOULD be like and how he SHOULD behave as a "safe" man. It is totally fucked, and the health of our women end up suffering deeply from this affliction.⁣

As a man, you were never intended to be safe. You are not safe. A conscious man is lethal towards all your preconceived notions. A conscious man will wield his dangerousness for love...for the protection of truth. NEVER for harm.⁣

Confiscating his sword in order to make him safer, only makes him more irresponsible, bitter and dangerous.⁣

He needs to know how important he is to the protection of the community. This will allow him to rise up, in love. In duty. In service.⁣

A man who has nothing to be of service to, is the most deadly thing on the planet.⁣

Men, many of the women I see, who are doing their work, have sworn off laying down with under-developed males. They are ALONE wishing they could meet a man who hasnt sold out. A man who can stand the heat that comes from living in his truth...and trust me when I say, its hot as hell...but this is what keeps your sword sharp.⁣

You are so needed, and not just for her. You are needed for yourself to have any form of an empowered and purposeful life.⁣

​Much Love, Chris