Chris Bale

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Let Her Chew On You - Man’s Fear Of Approaching Women

Todays transmission is a huge one.

In general, the average man experiences so much fear, anxiety, and insecurity when it comes to approaching a woman he’s attracted to...

Why is that?

In my personal experience, & from mentoring men for the last decade - It became very clear early on that the core of this issue is emanating from a place of deep conditioning. Conditioning which has yet to be exposed, seen, and clarified - as untrue.

So much of a mans spiritual work is to do with deeply questioning and examining himself in all areas and aspects of how he relates with & lives his life.

His spiritual work is about profound self enquiry, constantly, in order to fully meet the law according to his inner being. So that he can get back in alignment with his true reason for being here, and to live in exquisite alignment with this inner law(s).

A man who has not met his inner law, has not met himself yet. He has not yet matured. Which means his consciousness is up for grabs.

This man will be pulled in all kinds of directions in his attempt to land, flipping and flopping, indecisive, unsure, with a foundational confusion running the show. Basically, he lacks clarity.

He is not clear.

If you are a man and currently find yourself in this posturing in your life, then its beautiful you are reading this today.

To be confused is not bad. Its not wrong. Its not less-than. It is simply a stage which each and every one of us must move through as we initiate from boyhood to manhood. You are right where you need to be, congratulations. You just don’t need to remain stuck here.

As you move through your daily life, begin to make note of all the places within yourself (and your life) where you’re harbouring fear, as they come up. Also do this for the areas you feel confusion around - Such as initiating communication with a woman you are drawn to. This will be your work moving forward.


As men, we are energetically positive in our genital & prostate area (+), and negative (-) in our heart and mind. This means we naturally take in information and ideas into this upper area of the body. This is how a man who is not clearly defined within himself can be programmed - easily - with destructive and disempowering information.

From there, he will take the disempowerment and begin to build a society with it, forcing the women and children to exist within its irreparable confines. Once mans consciousness has been infiltrated and controlled, the rest of the community is fucked. Game over!

Its similar to if…oh, I don’t know… if a certain group of people were designated to serve and protect the community, but instead they ended up shooting and strangling innocent people to death, based on the colour of their skin. Yeah, that - imagine that…Its like that.

Lets get back on track:

In most instances, his mind has been fed madness for his entire male life - Full of all the ways in which he is supposed to be for others.

He looks for what is right and wrong, outside of himself. He looks for leadership, outside of himself. He looks for happiness, outside of himself. Mainly because he fears having to make decisions, and is unable to claim full-responsibility over the outcome of those decisions, therefore never claiming his own kingdom.

The uncommitted man - is a dangerous man.

He has also spent his earlier years seeing his guardians and elders imprisoned by a system, so when the time comes he just gets in line, and allows an external law to now govern his life…for the rest of his life. As it is much easier to go along with the status quo & whats already been decided for him, than to have to generate the amount of life-force necessary in order to live a life on his own terms.

From here he becomes smaller, sicker, and more brainwashed.

He becomes useless.

Then he dies.


Is that a life? Very questionable.


You may be asking yourself; what does all of this foundational raping of our sovereignty have to do with the fear that a man feels when he as much as even THINKS about approaching a beautiful woman…

Everything! it has everything to do with it.

A mans fear is born out of his confusion.

A man of clarity, a man who truly understands his "why" behind everything he does, will move though life with a cosmic confidence. This isn’t regular confidence. It is a visceral & energetic self-assurance/knowing, which is supported proudly by a force much bigger than just him - His relationship with his creator.


Confusion begets more confusion, which triggers huge fear of the unknown.

YOU are your unknown.

When you can begin to meet and know yourself, the unknown transcends into the known.

Self confidence, self assurance, stability, and definiteness is harvested from ones level of internal knowing.

When a man is full of un-clarified madness(aka a million external opinions), his conditioning is directly dictating his movements, his interactions, and how he feels about himself.

The conditioning which he has been force-fed is what he desperately tries to live his life in accordance with. He is told its the right thing to do, so why does it never feel right? Why is it so hard? Why does it feel like it is killing him slowly? - Domesticating and disempowering him.

Its a method of control.

Most modern men are so sleepy, that they live their lives as slaves.

He is so conditioned that he has been tricked into believing he is free. He believes the decisions that he makes are his own. They are not.

Please…Wake the fuck up, hombre!

Again, what has any of this got to do with being able to confidently approach a woman?

Well, when you are walking around in your life carrying a gigantic un-clarified mess with you, how do you expect to feel assured, potent, and firm in what you bring to the woman?

Or to the world? - Same thing.

Why are you even approaching her to begin with? If all you come bearing are the fruits of confusion, avoidance, and brainwashing, then thats what you will be penetrating her with.

Any form of conditioning is very bad for a mans freedom and evolution. It is also very dangerous for the woman to be around, as it bleeds into the community via her receptivity and allowance towards it. She raises her young sons by it, further perpetuating the spread of indoctrination.


Now im not saying for one second that you must be perfect(doesn’t exist), or that you must wait to meet a woman until after you do this work. Im simply inviting you to begin recognising what part of you is conditioning, vs what is yours. Clarity will begin to arrive through this practice.

It goes without saying; stay authentic and honest with women throughout, regardless of where you are at. She never requires perfection from you. Seeing you take responsibility for where you are at in life, and facing it head on, is what she requires. She needs to witness you in your sobriety, which means seeing you, seeing yourself, and everything which needs to be cleaned up. A womans safety issue is never about what a man sees, but rather what he doesn’t see.

A man who doesnt see, is like a lion who doesnt roar. Whats the point?

What has her feel more unsafe than anything, is your conscious avoidance of that which needs your attention. She detests your deference - Which is actually a reflective gift - As it supports you in strengthening.

You also get to gift her; the experience of engaging with a man who is claiming full ownership over where he is at, without sulking. He is no longer hiding his truth and intentions. He is clear - Actively choosing to show up and correct his life, while learning to love her. Learning to fuck her…well.

On this journey, woman will serve as a potent mirror for you, if you are willing to stand present with her in the face of possible rejection & judgement(which you will receive by showing up in a truthful and polarising way) - This will force you to deeper clarify yourself.

At first, an unclear man stands very little chance with an embodied feminine creature. He tends to get eaten alive, like a micro-pig. Oink!

But…If he is willing to sacrifice his ego, continuously show up, and allow her to chew on him a little, he begins to develop a strongly defined internal value system, which will assist him in developing a spine.

If you are new on your journey, drop the goal of perfection and immediately accept that you will have to navigate through this initial pain period with the opposite s€x.

Instead of turning away from the feast, step into it, and figure out how to keep your awareness and ease open.

A man who is all about perfection with women, and who hasn’t went through the initial phase of being chewed-on and played-with, by a whole heap of these beautifully fascinating creatures, will never develop the clarity, presence, and footwork he needs, in order to really BE with her in an energetically impactful way.

He will lack presence, backbone, and boundaries; which are gained only by learning to dance with the “playful little brat” that exists within each and every woman.

Only after he has discharged the seriousness he places upon every single word and glance which emminates from her being as something personal, can he truly be free to appreciate, love and support her truest essence.

And just like that, his greatest fear becomes one of his greatest loves. He sees the inherent link between her scowl and her moan. He learns to activate and evoke from a deeply connected place. Never having to leave her in order to “do her”. The dance is invaluable, and it can never be learned anywhere other than the dance itself.

Many “spiritual” men(the ones who have avoided her) think that the retreat-centre on the mountain top is the best place to learn presence…oink! :-)


I have once said: “A man of understanding never takes it personally”.

Id like to clarify the above quote specifically, by mentioning that it only applies to the man who is in some way conscious and aware of himself, his actions, and his motivations. You must be accountable in s€x, love, and life.

Once you are present and are of good, loving intentions, then you should never take any others judgements, attacks, or criticisms personally. Its really nothing to do with you.

Allow yourself to see the repetitive reflections you inspire from women. In this way, the collective feminine may have a pattern of communication towards you which you must be willing to see. This is what your beingness is generating in her, and a conscious man is always deeply aware of how his presence is moving a woman within every moment, for this is how he makes love to her.

What I invite the man to acquire, is an open vulnerability in all of his shady areas. A willingness to expose himself(internally).


Our work as men is not only about us.

We are only the first step.

We are penetrative creatures by nature. Which means we are always seeding, everywhere we go. Everything you are carrying with you (beliefs, emotions, insecurities, unresolved mommy issues, past trauma, addictions, light, darkness) is penetrating and impacting those you are around at all times. Know that!

By doing the work to clean up your field, you actively participate in cleaning the planet.

To get even deeper; As men, I personally feel our highest functioning role is to be here as a conduit for spirit.

Our spiritual work (In my experience), is about getting SO clear in oneself, and SO out of the way, that through us, more God Consciousness can enter the planet - supporting life(the feminine) in its perpetual flowering of unconditional love.

Thank you for taking the time to receive my seeds today,
Much love,