Chris Bale

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The Electrically Aligned Man

Preface: I go deep midway through this transmission...⁣

If you struggle to relate, please don't worry about it, and simply continue to the end anyway. The way I share what I share, energetically, is chosen purposefully. Stopping halfway through one of my posts is like stopping halfway through a parasite cleanse. You don't have to agree or even like it, but at least let it land before you decide to spit it back out. Thank you for taking the time.⁣


The more mentally stimulated a man is, the less sexually potent he is.⁣
I'm not saying you're wrong or bad for living a heady life, but it would be disrespectful to not at least share with you another way of existing here.⁣
Everything is becoming heady right now, which is why so many are becoming deranged, weak and confused. It's how we are being mass-controlled to begin with.⁣
People move around almost like possessed zombies, willing to fight a fellow human in order to hold onto their brainwashing. It's sad. Its really fucking sad.⁣
The mind is indeed magnificent…as is a monkey on roller-skates. It doesn’t mean you're supposed to allow it to lead your entire life.⁣
The mind is a very small area of the body, yet it is the most championed, over-used, and lived-in area of our physicality. It is also the root of most of our suffering and disease.⁣
The mind is not intrinsically bad. It's incredible...but we have abused it. Now we are paying the price, on all levels.⁣

Ill repeat: ⁣
The more mentally stimulated a man is, the less sexually(or energetically) potent he is.⁣

As men we are electrical, whereas women are more magnetic by nature. ⁣

A mans initiatory power and health will arrive via his embodiment of this energy current, within his physical being.⁣

Coming to a place of figuring out how to embody this current, will put him through the internal healing necessary, in order to hold this current at a higher and higher vibratory rate, as he continues to develop.⁣

This electricity is god-consciousness.⁣

The more of this current he has access to, the more awake he is going to be in his life.⁣

For the man to have access to his natural initiatory energy, he will first be pulled through his own initiation by it, via his commitment to staying present in it, despite the extreme discomfort and challenge. This electricity vehemently shatters and exposes illusions. Hence the term; initiation.⁣

His initiation is an absolute violation and dissolution of all that he has once learned to lean upon, for supposed security. ⁣

Initiation strips all of this away - It shapes him on every level. It drags him tooth and nail, back into receptivity - to his creator - if he is willing.⁣


Energy flows where focus goes!⁣

Unfortunately most men tend to leak their vital electricity on a moment to moment basis, out through the head, & into screens. Into distraction and fantasy. Into daydreaming and dispersing behaviours. Into worrying and playing out irrational fear-based scenarios in their minds. The result - he is now empty. ⁣

He no longer has the spark, virility, or charge necessary, to feel his own power, or to evoke and activate her feminine body. He withers and withers, until he is a burnt-out leaf, blowing about in the wind of life. Aimless.⁣

Why? Because he spent himself. He threw his precious lifeforce away for nothing of higher order. For nothing of relevance. For entertainment.⁣

Men, your consciousness is being fucking eaten by toys right now. And collectively it's turning us into neutered idiots.⁣


An embodied man exists right down next to the earth - So that he can actively engage with the practical immediacies of his existence, life, & community, in a connected way. ⁣

When not in service or creation, he is in rest. He knows how to rest; every faculty of his being. ⁣

Resting does not equal him scrolling mindlessly through social media, going down a YouTube hole, or jerking off to porn. It is very different.⁣


His rest exists within his internal connection to his own nothingness. ⁣

In his ability to make contact with the vastness inside of himself.⁣

In his ability to consciously surrender every cell of his body to life, to God - so that he is not out here in the world trying to do it all himself; assuming he is the power. But rather allowing the power flow through him, as a vessel, via his devotion to something greater than himself.⁣

He renounces self, daily; To be imprinted upon and guided by his creator.⁣

His deepest rest exists within the warm fleshy bosom of his womans heart, of his womans bliss - as he finds spiritual & physical rejuvenation - respite - firmly soaking his mission.⁣

She keeps the compassionate parts of him which need to stay “soft in love” - soft in love. ⁣

She keeps the warrior in him erect and courageous, through perpetually offering herself up in boundless orgasmic-death, upon the head of his humming sword. ⁣

A devoted woman. ⁣
A devoted man.⁣


If not consistent with his awareness, it is VERY easy for him to float up and away into his imagination. This tends to keep him severed from a life of lusciousness. It keeps him separate from the feminine, from reality, and from God.⁣

An embodied man vibrates with cosmic aliveness, simply due to the fact that his focus and awareness is not consistently spilling up into his head and out into the world, like an untended-to faucet. ⁣

Instead, it is rooted in the body, where it can massage and circulate. ⁣

His consciousness functions almost like a nighttime security guard, patrolling his internal vicinity at all times. Keeping watch. Alert.⁣

He vibrates, like a mass-fucking-generator, and acquires the ability to lay his reverberating consciousness wherever he sees necessary.⁣

His powerfully transformative god-consciousness courses through his flesh. His meat. His heart. His cock - Firm, while somehow remaining supple. ⁣

This energy lives right at the gate, ready to act. Waiting to lay its illuminating charge upon something worthwhile - And it is nothing he needs to go searching for. ⁣

Instead, his work is about dropping everything which is currently raping and pillaging his consciousness. What he is left with, is his life-force; is all of the above, in his own unique flavour.⁣

This is the embodied man - In my experience.⁣

To clarify everything shared, you don’t need to be any of that in order to be a man. You are already a man. It's your choice what you do with it. I'm simply sharing another option.⁣

If you are not that, you are not less than. Unless you think you are less than.⁣

You are always powerful…but maybe you just don’t know how to allow that yet. And that is ok.⁣

Maybe you have allowed all the toys they have tossed your way, suck every last piece of innate intelligence out of your body, only to be used as a fucking puppet for those in power. Or maybe none of that is the case, and you are just fine.⁣

Maybe enquire within? Because fuck what Chris Bale says. It only matters what you say…and what do you say? What would you like to say? Do you know? Start there.⁣

You are free to identify with your dizzy distractions all you want. But for me, brother, I've lived in both worlds, I can promise you it is not only worth it to do the work…but it is needed. Not only for yourself, but for everyone you happen to come into contact with.⁣

None of this is about being extraordinary. It is about being as normal as the day we arrived here…because THIS is where our supernatural power lays - In our normalness. In our naturalness.⁣

You are needed.⁣

Much love,⁣
Chris Bale⁣

If you would like to learn more from Chris personally, you can check out his bi-weekly calls.