Chris Bale

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The Cock-Embodied Man & Integration Of Heart

- Below is an excerpt taken from a conversation with Chris Bale of Awakened Intent; On the term “Cock-Embodiment” and also speaks to balance of both inner poles.

To be cock embodied, in this age, is a rare and sacred frequency.

When I mentor a man, this is my highest intention for him - To arrive to full cock-embodiment.

What is cock?

Is it a penis?

Yes. It is. But it’s also so much more than that.

It’s an essence. It’s a frequency. It’s a fragrance.

It’s a sturdiness.

Its a precise & clean clarity, undisturbed and uninfluenced by the noise and distraction of the status-quo.

It is the frequency of penetration, direction, protection, and initiation.

Its activation.

Its spirit.

Its God.

A man who knows and understands his cock (both physically and energetically) will move through life with far greater potency and virility. Not only will his thrust in life be firm, but his heart stays soft.

To know the essence and frequency of his cock, will bring him closer to his own internal godliness - to his stillness within the storm - to his knowingness - to a deeper felt-sense connection with his creator - with his own internal creative force.

It may sound ridiculous to many; “So what you’re saying is; I hold my dick until I become enlightened? Get the fuck outta here Chris Bale, you’re crazy.”

This is a normal response from the uneducated, disconnected and emasculated male, who has lost all sense of reverence and sensitivity to his own being. The modern-day man has become so castrated that he vibrates more like a little girl than a fully grown male. This is a gigantic fucking problem.

Energetically the genital region on a man is electrically positive in its charge - meaning its through this center that he moves outwards and loves/shares/expresses/gifts life from. Unfortunately this part of a mans body has become deeply perverted by a society hellbent on controlling him, and the results are collectively evident.

This center has been cut-off from, and instead of having a healthy loving relationship with the part of his being responsible for how alive and powerful he feels in his life - he forms an abusive relationship with it, and allows it to control him, until its no longer functional. Destruction sets in, and the man gets weaker and weaker in his impact.

The state of a mans mind/consciousness = the state of the mans cock.

His mind has been so deeply conditioned that he spends his time searching for God. That is like God, searching for God…

He is that which he is so desperately looking for, and the sense of arrived-ness he longs for, is only accessible through repairing the broken relationship with his lower body.

So what does it really mean to be cock-embodied, and how does he arrive there?

I can answer the 1st part of that question today. The “how” is a deep unraveling process, and the foundation of how I mentor any man who comes to me. It is definitely not an overnight situation. Our men have been programmed to be cock-less!


To be cock-embodied requires deep integration between both inner poles. This brings forward a balanced development within the man; a sacred internal union between fire and water. Between penetration and reception.

We are all born natural alchemists. The difference is between those who learn to master the inner dance with self, vs those who don’t - & get burned up by their own fire - or drowned by their own water. This is known through Sādhanā.

For the man, it’s through this deepening into his cock frequency, that he begins to feel his heart opening, due to the increase in life-force he generates by returning home inside - gifting him patience, compassion, sensitivity, and a healthy capacity for love.

Most men are absolutely petrified of really being in their penises consciously once energy begins to accumulate there. He wants to run away from the intensity by releasing it in whatever way possible. This usually involves a wide-array of unconscious dispersive behaviors.

He keeps his light dim, and never truly reaches full embodiment. Not only does he never feel his own capacity, but neither does any woman who chooses to experience him.

A man who is cock-embodied is instantly recognizable to the women who show up connected. Her embodied being will instantly register his presence on a physical felt-sense level. She will taste him before words are ever spoken.

An embodied woman is really only interested in a man whom is vibrating at the frequency of cock-embodiment. As this is the energy she requires for deeper levels of healing, activation, turn-on, love, and rest.

This is the frequency which serves as a support to her own feminine embodiment process - Similar to lighting a match underneath an ass.

In this day and age, man faces the gigantic problem of dysfunctional feminization. Which means his body gets bigger, but he continues behaving like a little boy, and treats every woman like some version of his mother. The detrimental affects this has on the planet is pretty evident. It ruins communities and it torments women’s unbound freedom.

A man who attempts to go & be in his heart all of the time, (because he was instructed so by a “Tantra workshop” - or by a bunch of under-developed women in “princess-pose”) without ever going through his positive pole FIRST (his cock), will basically end up functioning like most of the adult males walking around on the planet right now - Reactive, manipulative, emotionally unstable, insecure, feminized, power hungry(or the opposite - hiding/unengaged), and indecisive. Deeply untrustworthy, as he has bypassed his place of power.

Utterly compromised!


I recently had a woman in a session ask me how I have learned to be so loving - “by learning to be so fierce”, I replied. “My depth of love can only be in alignment with my depth of ferocity.” - The honoring of light and the dark within. Each one harmoniously supporting the other, to fundamentally bring about more love and aliveness. This is the balancing. This is the integration.

What is ferocity? It sounds bad/dangerous?

Ferocity is a strong word, and is different for many. It has healthy versions, and unhealthy versions, like everything. So for the sake of assumptions, I feel the need to clarify my version of this word, so that it is not digested incorrectly.

Lets get personal…

For me, my “ferocity” comes through in my precision & clarity.

In my unrelenting devotion to consciousness & the protection of universal truth in all forms.

In my ability to wield a frequency before ever needing to wield a weapon.

It is firm, direct, & unwavering.

It can sit upon a single penetrating glance, which is all that is needed to polarize and transform the moment.

This ferocity can regain order, just as quickly as it can evoke conscious chaos - which is something beautiful - inspiring my woman to begin dripping down the inside of her thighs while we are locking eyes at the restaurant - as she feels my awareness of her every undulation, cutting the air.

The highest intention for my ferocity is to purposefully choose every action to reignite love & aliveness.

Your version may look different, and rightly so. But it’s important you clarify and understand it yourself. On that note, it’s important you clarify and understand every last drop of yourself, so you can remain clean and clear when you step outside every day - because its a mad house out there.

“How can I move within the madness, without ever becoming OF the madness?” - This question will serve your consciousness well.

Much love,
Chris Bale

​If you would like to feel and understand this frequency on an embodied level, then make sure to register for this weekends workshop for men, with Chris: Sexual Energy Cultivation & Semen Retention.