Chris Bale

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Over-Spending Your Life-Force

There is a reason behind why most modern-day humans move around so exhausted, fatigued, and sick....It’s because our society has only ever taught us how to spend...

Society, is a consuming machine, and it convinces people that in order to survive, you must be a part of that machine. LIES!⁣

In this day, the person who can spend the most of their own life-force seems to be the most celebrated. This image of success is then plastered on every wall, so that up-and-coming humans will assume this is the goal to reach.⁣

Society is sneaky, and it does NOT have your life as a priority. Quite the opposite, it wants to feed off your life, until you are un-useable. Then it moves to the next. ⁣

It has even designed things to make you THINK you are recharging and looking after yourself...Alcohol and Netflix are NOT recharging you, but rather distracting you from feeling the reality of your excessive spending. ⁣

They need to keep you distracted, so you never make contact with consciousness.⁣

One of the most common responses that I hear from people who have taken my advice to come back home to themselves, is the vast amounts of exhaustion and discomfort that rises up. ⁣
Of course you are feeling exhausted...for possibly the first time ever you have sat down and deeply examined your bank account...and you are massively overdrawn!⁣

When a person feels this alarm, in many instances, they run away, back to the life of distraction, as the reality of their situation is too loud to listen to. ⁣

But I got news for you...In order to reclaim your pleasure, you must first reclaim your pain! Many wanna skip this step. Nope. Backa da line hombre!⁣

What it really takes to get your life back into your own hands, is courage, and commitment to what is real. That in itself can be much too much for many.⁣

The only individuals I truly see make the most profound transformations over an extended period of time, are the ones who can no longer put up with the bullshit. ⁣

One of the quickest ways to have more energy, is to stop giving yourself away to all the things in your life which are attempting to steal it from you ⁣

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

Lovingly. ⁣