Chris Bale

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Her Womanhood Has Been Distorted

Once I began leveling-up in my childish delusions as a young man, it became quickly evident that for the majority of modern women, there is a severe disconnection present between her head, heart and vagina...which is the detrimental result of our systemic perversion around s€x.⁣

⁣Women have acquired the deadly ability to totally separate love from s€x. (as a protection)⁣

She fucks without feeling.⁣

Fucks without loving.⁣

Fucks to run.⁣

Fucks to avoid.⁣

Fucks for fun, which is fine...until it stops being fine.⁣

Much of this disconnected behaviour is painted with the "empowered independent woman" brush, and it is deeply unfortunate to see the reality of this pattern - That to be an "empowered" woman in this day and age, means to function more like a numb dysfunctional male - Actively violating herself, and partaking in her own abuse.⁣

This disconnection is not her fault. As she learned about s€x and intimacy(in most instances) from young men who learned it from watching pornography - And later began to confuse the mishandling, the abuse, the discomfort; for love and connection.⁣

(What do I clarify abuse as? Anything done to or laid upon her... without absolute presence, care, and compassion.)⁣

She was asked to be s€xier, but "went too far" & ended up being labeled a "slut".⁣

She was requested to be more feminine...except when feeling arrives. Then she is "too much", & must shut it down and pull it together.⁣

She was energetically ignored, but was always expected to be "in the mood."⁣

She was rushed, in every capacity...but never really given the loving presence to just simply feel herself.⁣

To feel held. To feel loved. ⁣

This disconnection is poisonous to a woman’s being...and then there is modern-day man...supporting it all. Requesting more! Because he has become so programmed in what he finds attractive in a woman; the false - the fake - the performance - the unnatural. And goes on demanding more of it from her.⁣


It’s pretty impossible to live your life as a woman, when you are not honouring the very nature which makes you a beautiful and powerful woman to begin with. ⁣

Choosing to “fuck” while your heart is adamment on remaining tightly shut as a form of protection(mostly from yourself), is eroding to your aliveness.⁣

Men, you must be aware of this unnatural malfunction, and be willing to show up & figure-out what is needed from you, in order to make love to her in a way which brings her head, heart, and s€x back into alignment.⁣

A man MUST be there in support of her full activation to womanhood, especially due to the fact that her interfacing with males is what originally caused such a detrimental disconnection in the first place.⁣

Most men have s€x with women, as if she were a man. Most men approach and interact with women, as if they were men...⁣

Its very difficult for a woman to feel like a woman, when she has never been handled as one.⁣

The reason I share all of this here today, is because I just finished an energy session with a young woman who has been dealing with deep depression & pain, due to how dead she feels in her life.⁣

"I HATE S€X!" - She exclaimed.⁣

- Because she was never actually experiencing s€x.⁣

S€x without love, compassion, and tenderness, isn't s€x...its abuse. It's breaking and entering. So its no wonder she hated it.⁣

She went on to share that It has caused her much trauma, but she does it anyway. ⁣

Why? - because she feels she has to, because thats what a good girlfriend does, right? ⁣

Her boyfriend wants it. So she holds her breath, lets him climb on until he finishes, and she is free for another 24 hours.⁣

I realise how grim this sounds, but this is a regular truth for so many women out there. ⁣

This is exactly why I am sharing my words in this post, so she(these women) can feel seen & understood, and to know that it is not something which she must continue to tolerate. Maybe it isn't you right now, but EVERY woman can relate to these experiences shared. ⁣

It's also important to mention that her experience is not because men are big bad abusive wolves. Because we are not. But we too have been given a raw deal. We have not been granted intelligent communication on how to really be with a woman, from a potent and conscious place. We haven't even been supported in learning how to love and support ourselves, so how is he expected to be able to hold a woman in love.⁣

When man is matured and healthy, we are beautiful, powerful, and deeply necessary beings. We spark bliss, aliveness, reverence on the planet. We nourish woman and life with our firm, steady, loving presence.⁣

Dear Women, I would ADORE if you stopped compromising yourself in order to fulfill what you have been told is expected of you.⁣

I would ADORE if you immediately stopped engaging with anything which does not feel loving and of strength to you. To grant full permission to your self-respecting "no"...and also to your juicy "yes".⁣

I would ADORE if you took the time to feel, understand and express every part of yourself loudly, so that clarity and internal intelligence can be arrived to...and I would LOVE if men stood up and supported this!⁣

- Because as a man, you will begin to experience a WOMAN from this commitment. You will get to taste all of her outlandishly overwhelming gifts...and you will be held more accountable than you have ever known before - Breeding a more conscious and powerful version of modern man.⁣


Stop seeking to blindly fuck her, and start acquiring the ability to hear her. To feel her. To tune into her. Only through this entry point of consciousness can you truly love her. From here, you can fuck her... heart open!⁣

Hear how desperately she needs us, as men, to step up into integrity. Into stability. Into presence. Into protection.⁣

Also, be ABSOLUTELY WILLING TO CALL OTHER MEN OUT, who are not moving around as ambassadors for protection - Men who are corrupt in their integrity. Who are abusing their power. Call a motherfucker out, immediately. Let him know his abusive posturing is not going to be tolerated.⁣

Only through holding one another to the highest standards of accountability can we really begin to create an environment where love, compassion, and change can blossom.⁣

Much love, ⁣
In service,⁣